
Postdoctoral fellows have the opportunity to gain training in autonomic psychophysiology and psychoneuroimmunology through direct mentorship and course work at Rice University and Baylor College of Medicine. They typically spend 50% of their time working directly on a funded protocol and the other 50% publishing. Potential fellows should contact Dr. Fagundes at for an interview to discuss the possibility of joining the BMED Lab.


Work Hour Expectations, a message from Dr. Fagundes — 

Unlike biologically-oriented labs, I am aware that some labs in psychology function virtually most of the time (e.g. post-docs and graduate students working from home and coffee shops).  Both empirical data and my anecdotal experiences have convinced me that there is substantial value for trainees to be in the lab/office during the work week.  Accordingly, I require graduate students to be in the lab 20 hours a week and post-docs to be in the lab 40 hours a week. Of course, exceptions are made for medical reasons; however, if you feel that you cannot handle being at work on a regular basis, I would encourage you to find training somewhere else.